• What does it cost to participate in the MLI: Next Gen Leadership Academy?

    The cost to participate in the MLI: Next Gen Leadership Academy is $750. However, if an applicant is accepted into the program and the cost is an issue for participation, the MLI: Next Gen will work with them to ensure their participation is feasible. Full and partial scholarships will be made available for those who qualify.

  • How many participants are in each cohort?

    Typically, each cohort of participants will range from 25-30 people per year with a broad geographic and professional representation.

  • What is the time/travel commitment for the program?

    There will be 10 in-person sessions. Each session will include an evening session that will last 2.5 hours.

    Participants will also be required to participate in a weekend introductory session. Participants will arrive morning on Day 1 and will consist of all-day sessions from early morning to late evening. Day 2 will conclude with a half-day session allowing participants travel time to return home.

  • What are the expectations for work outside of the in-person sessions? How much homework will I have?

    Participants will have “homework” prior to each gathering. All participants are also expected to develop a Leadership Action Plan, which they will work on throughout the program. They will also complete ongoing reading and reflection related to topics to be discussed at the in-person sessions. Advisors will be in contact with participants off-line to guide the implementation of the Leadership Action PLan as well as advise on the education leadership strategies.

    Online group discussion will be prompted by MLI: Next Gen leadership.

  • Is there a role for participants after graduation?

    MLI: Next Gen graduates will remain an active group with their advisors and MLI: Next Gen leadership, continuing in their role to help guide and strategize with the MLI grads. They will be asked to play a role in future training sessions and encouraged to play public leadership roles as the MLI: Next Gen organization emerges as a voice for the pragmatic centrist agenda.